Work culture

Work culture

Leon is a Equal Opportunity Employer. In order to succeed in the Global business, Leon believes in employing the Right Talent in the required place at the required time. Being a Global Company, We believe in multicultural / multiracial talent to achieve the company’s goal. Each employee is looked out as an asset to the Organisation and efforts are made in unison for the promotion of each individual talents & innovations to grow. This not only helps in the growth of the individual but also the organisation. This effort brings in the feeling of Oneness with in the organisation, there by leveraging the growth.

By bringing in multi talented, multi-cultural individuals to work to-gether towards the company’s goal helps in building a strong relationship with the outside world globally.

Leon also adopts the IFIA (International Federation of Inspection Agencies) Code of business conduct & ethics and is implemented by all the employees for best professional work culture.